If for so long you've been boombarded by such question like; What is Twitter? Why Twitter? What's a Twitter Page?
Now after going through this article you'll be able to absolutely clear this doubt and you'll aswell know it's related feautures. I will be so transparent making sure I highlights this vital aspect of Twitter. You'll be able to know exactly how to use this social media platform.
One thing for sure that really burns my time on Twitter is that I often use this platform more like Short Message Services except it is from the internet and that seems to be a huge benefits where your brands will be more fortunate to have. If you haven't created a account on Twitter I bet now is the right time to take advantage of this vintage platform. My RESEARCH has shown that half of monthly Twitter users follow brands or companies on a regular basis and three quarters of the engagement with brands tweets are click through links.
Two quarters of the engagement with brands tweets are often retweeted. One quarter of the users check twitter several times a day and 500+ plus accounts are created on a daily basis. Most of the Top 100 Fortune Global Companies have Twitter accounts and most of the them uses Twitter frequantly to posts company news and updates. Twitter is the fastest growing social network plateform in the world in regards of it's active users.
Now as you can see such stats indicates that there's a lots of money to be made on twitter alone. At the end of this article you will be able to equip yourself with everything you need to know and be able to evaluate your online brand to a much satisfied position. It does not only set your brand with a public identity on Twitter, but it's where you can connect with customers, develop your brand names, and engage directly with your followers aswell as your following.
First and foremost a Twitter Page is a "webpage" that can be created and connect directly to your Twitter platform. This option also allows you to change names of your the URL of your Twitter Page account to whatever suited you the most. If you want to change it at any time you wish to. It often appears something like this: http://www.twitter.com/your-business-name
Tweets, hashtags, retweets, photos, links, videos,and lists are just some of the tremedious features to give people a glimpse of what your brand is all about and how great you'll be able to recommends services to your followers.
Outlined below are the seven most effective ways to establish your twitter account and get the followers you needed to succeed:
1. Labelling Your Twitter Account by your Brand Name because half of the Twitter users are more likely to follow a brand than a automatic robot.
2. Give users free take aways because 3/4 may see the value of you operation at scale.
3.Tweet Often because this tend to bond strong ties with your authenticity and give relevant up-to-dates contents about what is going on in your brand.
4. Nurture good relationships with your prospect customers and they will always recommend you brand when it comes in branding aspects.
5. Placing the Tweets Button into your digital contents. Be sure to add this valuable widget to your ads, website, blog or emails sets your brand apart from your competitors.
6. Set apart valuable times with your loyal users as often as possible. Twitter users will follow a company that is actively poping into answering questions and engaging constantly.
7. Posting Special Events around your brand such as special bonus or new product releases or other important things that is about to happen to your business is a great way to get people to follow you.
So there you have it. The most profound ways to use twitter account to stay intactwith your brands name both online and offline.
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To your best.